Tips for Parachutists on the Go

Essential Parachutists on the Go Tips & Tricks

Skydiving is an exhilarating sport that offers a unique adrenaline rush and breathtaking views from above. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skydiver, it’s important to know how to maximize your experience while ensuring safety. In this article, we will share essential tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your parachute jumps, allowing you to have an unforgettable adventure in the sky.

From trusting your instructor to jumping at higher altitudes, we will guide you through the key aspects of a successful and enjoyable skydiving experience. Join us as we explore these essential tips for parachutists on the go. So get ready to soar to new heights and experience the thrill of skydiving like never before!

Trust Your Instructor

Your skydive instructor is a highly experienced professional with extensive training and certification. They have made numerous jumps and possess the skills and knowledge to guide you safely through your skydiving experience. Put your full trust in your instructor and follow their instructions meticulously throughout the jump. Their expertise and experience will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for you.

Skydiving is an exhilarating sport that requires a level of skill and expertise. To ensure your safety and maximize your enjoyment, it is important to trust the professionals who are there to guide you. Your skydive instructor is trained to handle any situation that may arise during your jump. They will provide you with the necessary guidance and instructions to navigate the sky with confidence.

“Skydiving is a team sport, and your instructor is an integral part of your team. Trusting their expertise will ensure a safe and amazing skydiving experience.”

During your pre-jump briefing, your instructor will explain the necessary safety procedures and give you a thorough understanding of what to expect. It is crucial to pay close attention and ask any questions you may have, ensuring that you fully comprehend the instructions provided. Your instructor’s experience and knowledge will help alleviate any concerns or fears you may have, allowing you to focus on the exhilaration of the jump.

Remember, your instructor has made countless jumps and is well-versed in all aspects of skydiving. They are trained to handle emergencies and ensure your safety at all times. By trusting your instructor and following their guidance, you can have complete peace of mind and fully enjoy the thrill of parachuting.

To further emphasize the importance of trusting your instructor, here are some key reasons to consider:

  • Your instructor has undergone rigorous training and certification to become an expert in skydiving safety.
  • They have accumulated vast experience through numerous jumps, allowing them to handle any situation that may arise.
  • Your instructor is committed to your safety and will ensure that you are properly prepared and equipped for the jump.
  • Following their instructions meticulously will ensure a smooth and enjoyable skydiving experience.

Trust is an essential component of any successful skydiving experience. Your instructor’s expertise and experience will guide you through every step of the jump, providing you with the knowledge and confidence to make the most of your adventure in the sky.

Jump at Higher Altitudes

Opting for higher altitudes during your parachute jump offers several advantages. While lower altitudes can still provide a thrilling experience, higher altitudes allow for a longer freefall, increasing the duration of the adrenaline rush.

Tandem instructors often recommend jumps at 14,000 feet with 60 seconds of freefall for first-time skydivers. If you’re up for an extreme experience, you can even choose to jump at 18,000 feet with 90 seconds of freefall. The choice of altitude is yours, but remember that higher altitudes offer a more exhilarating and unforgettable experience.

Advantages of Jumping at Higher Altitudes

  • Longer Freefall: Higher altitudes allow for a longer duration of the freefall, maximizing the exhilaration and adrenaline rush.
  • Unforgettable Experience: Jumping from higher altitudes offers a more memorable and awe-inspiring experience.
  • Breathtaking Views: The higher you jump, the more breathtaking the scenery becomes, providing a unique perspective from the sky.

By opting for higher altitudes, you can elevate your skydiving experience to new heights. Experience the thrill of a longer freefall and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.

“Jumping from higher altitudes offers an unparalleled rush and a sense of freedom like no other. It’s an experience every skydiver should have at least once in their lifetime.” – Sarah Thompson, Experienced Skydiver

AltitudeFreefall Duration
14,000 feet60 seconds
18,000 feet90 seconds

Prepare Appropriately for the Jump

Proper preparation is essential for a successful and safe skydiving experience. To ensure you’re ready for the thrill of parachuting, follow these key tips:

Dress for the Occasion

Consider the weather conditions and choose appropriate clothing that won’t interfere with your jump. Opt for well-fitted attire that allows for comfortable movement during freefall. Wearing layers is also recommended, as temperatures can vary at different altitudes. Don’t forget to bring a hat or sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun during the ascent.

Follow the Guidelines

Your chosen skydiving center will provide you with specific guidelines regarding attire and equipment. It’s important to adhere to these guidelines and ensure you have the necessary gear for a safe jump. Familiarize yourself with their recommendations and make sure to ask any questions you may have.

Bring Only the Essentials

When preparing for your jump, it’s important to pack light. Only bring the necessary items and leave valuables behind. Your skydiving center may provide you with a checklist to help you determine what you need to bring. This way, you can focus on the experience without worrying about the safety of your belongings.

Be Informed

Before your jump, take the time to familiarize yourself with the pre-jump instructions and safety procedures. Pay attention to the briefing provided by your instructor and ask questions if anything is unclear. Being well-informed will help you feel more confident and relaxed during the jump.

Additional Resources

For a comprehensive guide on what to bring and what to expect as a first-time jumper, check out our previous article: Preparing for Your First Skydive: Tips and Advice for Beginners.

Skydiver preparing for a jump
Skydiver preparing for a jump

Arch Like a Banana

Proper body positioning is crucial for stability and control during a solo skydive. To optimize your skydiving experience, it is recommended to arch like a banana. This position not only enhances stability and control but also amplifies the overall sensation of the skydive.

To practice the banana arch position, lie down with your arms extended in front of you, slightly raised. Raise your legs and point your toes towards the sky. This position helps align your body and creates a streamlined shape, reducing air resistance and enhancing your control during the freefall.

By maintaining the banana arch position throughout the freefall, you can maximize your jump and have a more thrilling experience. This position improves your stability, making it easier to adjust your body position as needed. Remember to keep practicing the banana arch position to become more comfortable with the technique and fully enjoy your solo skydiving adventure.

Remember, mastering the banana arch position is essential for solo skydiving, as it helps maintain stability and control throughout the jump. So, keep practicing and enjoy the thrilling sensation of soaring through the skies.

Lift Your Legs Before Landing

As you approach the landing phase of your skydive, it is essential to lift your legs to allow your tandem instructor to touch the ground first. This technique ensures a smoother landing and reduces the risk of entanglement or injury.

When your instructor initiates the vertical body position for landing, raise your knees towards your stomach, simulating the position of sitting in an invisible chair. Maintain this posture for up to 10 seconds in preparation for the touchdown. By lifting your legs, you contribute to a safe and successful landing.

Proper Body Positioning for Landing

During the landing phase of a skydive, maintaining the correct body position is crucial for ensuring a safe and controlled descent. By lifting your legs, you allow your tandem instructor to touch the ground first, absorbing some of the impact and facilitating a smooth touch down.

As the instructor initiates the vertical body position for landing, you should mimic this posture by raising your knees towards your stomach. This position is akin to sitting in an invisible chair and helps distribute the landing impact more evenly across your body.

By holding this posture for up to 10 seconds before touchdown, you give your instructor the necessary space and time to execute a safe landing. Additionally, lifting your legs reduces the risk of entanglement with the parachute lines and minimizes the chances of sustaining any landing-related injuries.

Benefits of Lifting Your Legs

  • Smooth landing: By lifting your legs, you create a controlled descent, allowing your tandem instructor to touch the ground first, absorbing some of the landing impact. This results in a smoother and more comfortable landing experience.
  • Reduced risk of injury: Lifting your legs helps minimize the chances of entanglement with the parachute lines or any other potential hazards during the landing process. This precautionary measure helps prevent injuries and ensures a safe landing.
  • Improved stability: By assuming the proper body position during landing, with your legs lifted and knees raised, you enhance your overall stability and control. This makes it easier for your instructor to guide the landing and maintain stability throughout the process.

“Lifting your legs before landing is an essential part of the landing technique. It allows for a controlled descent, reduces the risk of injury, and contributes to a safe and successful landing.” – Skydiving Instructor, Kate Johnson

Emergency Parachute Procedures

While landing your main parachute is the preferred option, there may be rare instances where you need to rely on your emergency parachute. If such a situation arises, it’s crucial to remain calm and follow the proper emergency procedures as taught during your training.

Emergency parachute deployment may be necessary in situations like a malfunctioning main parachute, an unstable descent, or other unforeseen circumstances. Remember to pull the emergency ripcord forcefully and firmly, using the correct hand placement and techniques outlined in your training.

Always remain aware of your altitude and surroundings, so you have enough time to react and deploy the emergency parachute safely. Practice emergency procedures during your training to ensure you can execute them confidently and efficiently if the need arises.

Emergency ProcedureSteps to Follow
Malfunctioning Main Parachute
  1. Remain calm and assess the situation.
  2. Locate and firmly grasp the emergency ripcord handle.
  3. Pull the ripcord forcefully and firmly using the correct hand placement.
  4. Deploy the emergency parachute and follow the procedures for controlling the descent.
Unstable Descent
  1. If you are unable to stabilize your descent using your main parachute, assess the situation calmly.
  2. Locate and firmly grasp the emergency ripcord handle.
  3. Pull the ripcord forcefully and firmly using the correct hand placement.
  4. Deploy the emergency parachute and follow the procedures for controlling the descent.

Bring Friends for a Group Experience

While safety regulations prevent jumping out of the plane simultaneously with your friends, you can still enjoy the skydiving experience with them. Riding up on the plane together and jumping back-to-back provides a shared experience and camaraderie. The presence of friends can help calm nerves and increase excitement. At Chicagoland Skydiving Center, large parties even receive discounts. The energy and encouragement from your buddies make the entire adventure more enjoyable and memorable.

So why not gather your friends and embark on this thrilling adventure together? It’s a fantastic opportunity to create lifelong memories and strengthen your bond while experiencing the exhilaration of skydiving. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, bachelor/bachelorette party, or simply want to have an adventurous outing with friends, skydiving as a group adds an extra layer of fun and excitement.

Benefits of Group Skydiving 
1. Shared Experience2. Camaraderie
Jumping with friends provides a unique and shared experience that you can reminisce about for years to come.Experience the thrill of skydiving alongside your friends, fostering a stronger bond and creating memories together.
3. Calm Nerves4. Discounts
The presence of friends can help calm nerves and alleviate any anxiety you may have about skydiving.Several skydiving centers offer group discounts, making it more affordable for everyone to join in the fun.

Group skydiving is not only thrilling and adrenaline-pumping, but it’s also an opportunity to bond with your friends and create lifelong memories. So gather your squad, head to the nearest skydiving center, and embark on an unforgettable group adventure in the skies.


Skydiving is an exhilarating and rewarding sport that offers a unique blend of excitement and adventure. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety and proper preparation to ensure a memorable experience. By following the expert tips and tricks shared by tandem instructors and professionals, you can enhance your safety and enjoyment while parachuting on the go.

First and foremost, always trust your instructor. These experienced professionals have undergone rigorous training and possess the necessary skills to guide you through your skydiving journey. Listen to their instructions carefully and have faith in their expertise.

Additionally, consider jumping at higher altitudes for a longer freefall experience. Not only does this prolong the adrenaline rush, but it also allows you to fully immerse yourself in the breathtaking views and sensations of skydiving. Talk to your instructors about the different altitude options available and choose the one that best suits your preferences.

Proper preparation is the key to a successful skydiving experience. Dress appropriately for the weather, adhere to the recommended safety guidelines, and familiarize yourself with the pre-jump instructions. By taking these steps, you can ensure that you are well-equipped and mentally prepared for the jump.

During the jump, remember to arch like a banana. This body position provides stability, control, and an enhanced sensory experience. By maintaining the correct posture throughout the freefall, you can fully embrace the thrilling sensations of skydiving.

Lastly, consider bringing friends along for a group experience. While you may not be able to jump together, sharing the skydiving adventure and supporting each other before and after the jump can add a special dynamic to the overall experience.

As you embark on your skydiving journey, keep these tips in mind and prioritize safety above all else. With the right preparation and mindset, you can enjoy an unforgettable and safe skydiving experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

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